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Hello Odoo Forum! 

I'm looking for advice on the best setup for reconciling Stripe payments in Odoo. 

  1. Is it best to use a separate "Stripe" journal for Stripe transactions, or to use the Bank journal where the stripe payments are deposited.

  2. My client says the Stripe transactions come into his bank combined and net of stripe fees and that they are a challenge to reconcile.  For that reason I think using a separate "Stripe" journal may be cleaner, and enable my client to more easily account for the stripe fees.  However using a separate journal requires import a statement from Stripe to reconcile and then internal transfer of the cash the Bank Journal. 

    1. Is there a way synchronize import of the stripe transactions like we do bank statements? 

I appreciate any advice on setup, procedure, or 3rd party apps that may make the reconciliation process more efficient.

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Hi Shelley, what's best email to reach out to you?  We would love to get the excel workbook template.

Would love to have the workbook. Could you provide it please ? Thanks Pavel Sodomka

In Stripe, go to the tab "Reports>Financial Reports>Balance change from activity" and Choose the period you want to export.
Select the fields you want to export to Odoo in the download menu:
Gross+Description+Customer Email.
Open the downloaded file to add those 3 Columns
The 3 Headers are name journal_id date
in wich you place the values you want to have in your Odoo dB.

Import the created file in Odoo. You still just have to set manually the closing balance, the total amount of the bank fees and payouts for the period and validate.

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I don't know if it is the best way, but this is how I do it today.

- I set a shortcut in the bank account (who is receiving the stripe transactions) sending the movements from Stripe to a Stripe internal transferts Journal.

- I create a separate "Stripe" Bank journal (as for other bank statements)

- Every month, I only export, from my Stripe Account, the .csv file containing:

The amount the customer paid, paiement reference and the customer email.

I edit this file to add a name (month+year), a date (the last day of the month), the journal_id (Stripe) and I copy paste it on each line of this exported .csv file.

I import this file in odoo remaping the 3 exported columns to: line_ids/amount;line_ids/payement_ref;line_ids/customer_email

When imported, I just have to add manualy the Stripe fees of the month, the total amount of the Stripe's bank transfers, to add and check the ending balance before validating and to click to reconcile all the transaction. 

I hope it will help you...

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Thank you Pierre. I really want to keep stripe in its own journal so I think this is how we will have to do it too. Your notes are very helpful, thank you!

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Hi Shelley, 

I just read the comments and found a wealth of information. Thanks for that !
I am interested in receiving your excel import file explaining the stripe-odoo import.
Could you send it to me via

Thanks in advance,


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Hi, I just have the same problem. So does that mean, there is no "electronic" connection possible to the stripe-account? You really have to download it manually via CSV? That would be a no go regarding the time effort...

Apart of that I will also create a separate Stripe-bank-journal...

Best Florian

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Hi Florian -

I was not able to find an electronic sync with Stripe (like we have with regular bank and credit card accounts) but building on Pierre's steps I was able to define a fairly easy process for my client.

In your stripe account you can define a custom export. We setup an export to pull only the fields we need to import into Odoo. After you export a custom report from stripe the first time, you should have the option to schedule the report, and Stripe will email it to you. My client does a low volume with stripe so we setup a monthly export, but I believe daily and weekly is also an option.

We also set the transfer of funds from stripe to his bank account to be monthly, but I believe this can be set to daily or weekly as well.

I then setup an Excel workbook for him, that will make formatting the import file from the stripe export super easy. When he receives the stripe export each month, he copies the data into the workbook I created. The workbook links the data to other tabs and calculates the Journal Entry Date, all the transactions and stripe fees. Then he simply imports the last tab of the workbook into Odoo as a bank statement on the stripe journal.

From there he can reconcile the stripe transactions like normal, and create the internal transfer for the actual deposits to his bank account.

I do wish we could sync the stripe account automatically. That would certainly be easier, but since we cannot, this method is fast (< 5 minutes) and everything reconciles very cleanly.

I'd be happy to share my excel workbook with you if you'd like see how it works. Feel free to email me.

Dear Shelley,
Thank you for all this information here, it really helps!
I am doing all the accounting for our company so far by myself and since I am not an accountant sometimes I am facing real troubles understanding what is right and what is wrong.
You offered that you could share your template for the strip-odoo connection and I would be very happy to take this offer, because I think it will help me set up all correctly.
I couldn't find your mail anywhere so I was thinking maybe you could share it with my on my mail: natalia
I would really appreciate it!
Thanks in advance,

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Now you can check with optimus fintech for payment reconciliation services. view here.

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Ponto sync my transaction automatically but less the fees....after reconciliation I am left with the balance on each payment as Ponto doesnt sync the fee. I manually created the Stripe fee payment monthly. How do I use the reconcile the balances on the invoices with the manually created stripe payment?

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Hi Bamidele, i have tried to use Ponto. But finally i gave up. Not only it does not give any fees, but also you don't have the partner name to reconcile. Ponto put all in the information in a string. Also we have use different currencies which makes it more complexe.

They way we do is that we download monthly the stripe statement in excel and modify the data. Then we import into ODOO. It takes 15 min per currency. Maybe with a macro development you automate the process in excel.

Thank you so much Dan

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I am using Ponto to synchronise the bank transactions with Odoo, it is available under bank synch now.

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Dear Shelley,

Many thanks for your explanation. I am right  facing the same issue with the complexity that we have different currencies. I assume we have also to import the conversation between the invoice currency an ODOO base currency.

If there a possibility to get your excel import file, would be wonderful. My contact is dan @

Many thanks,

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