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I need to increase the intervals for the aged receivable to 365 and the interval days to 90 days not 30 days

is there a way to do that ?

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Hi Abu Amer,

  • Access the backend code of the accounting module if you can
  • Locate the _build_domain_from_period function
  • Customize the interval calculation section within this function to change the report time intervals
  • Be cautious that modifying this function may affect the 'aged payable report' as well
  • Test thoroughly to ensure the changes do not disrupt the overall workflow of the accounting module

It's essential to exercise caution when modifying core functionality and ensure proper testing to prevent unintended consequences. Additionally, it's recommended to create a backup of the code before making any changes and consider the implications of future updates, which may overwrite your customizations.

Hope it helps

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You can edit the labels on the report as:

1. . Settings -> Activate developer mode

2. Accounting -> Configuration -> Accounting Reports

You may change the titles of the reports and the names of the consisting columns but cannot change the calculation of values displayed in the column. 

Thank you!

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Tác giả

Even if I have the custom version of odoo? I can’t alter the calculations?